Dr Pat Gwyer
Dr Gwyer has considerable experience working across the adult mental health spectrum within complex and challenging circumstances. With a PHD in Applied Cognitive Psychology, Dr Gywer has a vast knowledge of Cognitive testing. He has taught in mental health for several years, along with Rogarian Counselling, Personal Construct Psychology and Listening skills on a doctorate in Clinical Psychology programme as well as teaching at diploma level Gestalt therapy and provided postgraduate and staff development teaching, workshops and courses.
He has great experience in assessing risk and management, multi-disciplinary treatment programmes. Dr Gwyer has worked with those suffering from mental health issues, personality disorders, PSTD and those substance misusing whether this be in the family. Dr Gwyer has a number of years’ experience providing support to callers and to those face to face as a Samaritans listening volunteer. In recognition of his expertise, he has achieved the title Associate Fellow of the British Psychology Society and more recently granted the status of Chartered Scientist (CSci).
Profession: Psychologist
Courts or Tribunals: Employment, Mental Health Tribunals, Personal Injury
Age groups: Adult, Older Adult
Psychological Specialisms: Adult Mental Health Problems, Personality Disorder, Substance Misuse, Trauma and PTSD
Therapies offered: CBT, Counselling, Dialectic Behaviour Therapy, Psychological Supervision, Schema Therapy