Dr Keren Fisher

Dr Keren Fisher Clinical Psychologist

Dr Fisher is a Clinical Psychologist who has specialised in the assessment and rehabilitation of physical injury since 1979. In this time, she has worked extensively with chronic pain arising from personal injury or disability. She specialises in working with amputation and phantom pain, publishing research articles in this field. As a therapist, she specialises in the field of trauma and PTSD. As an independent expert, she has worked extensively in areas of personal injury and clinical negligence and works extensively with physical pain in her private practice.

Profession: Psychologist

Courts or Tribunals: Clinical Negligence, Employment, Occupational Health, Personal Injury

Age groups: Adult

Psychological Specialisms: Adult Mental Health Problems, Learning Difficulties, Mental Capacity, Neurological Disorder, Physical Disabilty, Trauma and PTSD

Therapies offered: CBT, Counselling, EMDR, Neurological Rehabilitation