Dr Katharine Bentley (Craib)

Dr Katharine Bentley is a Counselling Psychologist registered with the Health Professionals Council with over 11 years of experience as a Practitioner. Dr Bentley has extensive experience as a Senior Psychologist for a range of service users including working as Area Clinical Lead for staff development in the Probation Service and working with personality disorders and complex trauma in high risk offender population. She is an active researcher into the recovery from abuse and complex trauma. Dr Bentley currently works as an Expert Witness for the Family, Civil and Criminal Courts.
Profession: Psychologist
Courts or Tribunals: Adoption or Foster Care, Criminal and Offending, Family Court
Age groups: Adolescent, Adult, Child, Family, Older Adult
Psychological Specialisms: Adult Mental Health Problems, Anger and Violence, Behavioural Difficulties, Child Mental Health, Domestic Abuse, Parent-Child Attachment, Parenting Problems, Personality Disorder, Physical Disabilty, Psychosexual Difficulties, Relationships Difficulites, Sexual Offending, Substance Misuse, Trauma and PTSD, Youth Offending
Therapies offered: Adult Therapy, CBT, Child Therapy, Counselling, Dialectic Behaviour Therapy, Family Therapy, Person-Centred and Compassionate Focus, Schema Therapy