Dr Donna Rooney

Dr Donna Rooney Clinical Psychologist

Dr Rooney is a Clinical Psychologist working with adults with mental health or personality difficulties who have experienced trauma or who have a diagnosis of PTSD.  She has worked therapeutically with adult survivors of childhood abuse and veterans. She is able to use a number of therapeutic NICE recommended interventions to work with these difficulties with good outcomes.

She has considerable experience working with individuals who are having difficulties in their workplace due to their mental health or emotional difficulties, on long-term sick leave or returning to work. She runs a busy private practice offering therapeutic interventions to adults and young adults.

Profession: Psychologist

Courts or Tribunals: Clinical Negligence, Criminal and Offending, Employment, Immigration and Asylum, Mental Health Tribunals, Occupational Health, Personal Injury

Age groups: Adolescent, Adult, Family, Older Adult

Psychological Specialisms: Adult Mental Health Problems, Domestic Abuse, Personality Disorder, Physical Disabilty, Substance Misuse, Trauma and PTSD

Therapies offered: