Dr Alexander Drake
Dr Alexander Drake is an HCPC registered clinical psychologist who specialises in expert opinion. He has worked in adult and older adult mental health, substance misuse, learning disability, neurorehabilitation, functional neurology, and neuropsychology. He is interested in assessment, the unconscious expression of psychological distress through the body (e.g. pain, fatigue, FND), and anxiety.
Dr Drake offers rapid and high-quality assessments of psychology, cognition and mental capacity. He is skilled at identifying and describing for non-mental health professionals the contributory factors in a person’s presentation and providing detailed, precise recommendations for assisting that person to ensure they perform at their best.
A passionate learner, winner of two university prizes and published academic author (including a paper examining the complexities of capacity assessment), Dr Drake continues to refine his understanding of human psychology so he can provide the highest quality professional service.
Areas of specialism
- Assessment (including functional, therapy, capacity, risk, cognitive, mental capacity and neuropsychological) and reports with case-by-case recommendations.
- Therapy for common and severe mental health problems within the adult and older adult populations using a range of approaches, including cognitive behavioural therapy, cognitive analytical therapy, motivational interviewing, and intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy.
- Skilled group facilitator of both therapeutic groups and various professional groups such as case discussion, group formulation, and reflective practice.
- Sustained research interest and understanding of the practicalities of conducting social sciences research – design, methodological issues, and research ethics – that add valuable research skills to both clinical and research teams. Knowledge of advanced quantitative techniques such as general linear modelling, latent profile analysis, and machine learning.
Profession: Psychologist
Courts or Tribunals: Clinical Negligence, Criminal and Offending, Family Court, Mental Health Tribunals, Occupational Health, Personal Injury
Age groups: Adult, Older Adult
Psychological Specialisms: Adult Mental Health Problems, Autistic Spectum Disorder, Learning Difficulties, Mental Capacity, Personality Disorder, Physical Disabilty, Substance Misuse
Therapies offered: