Upcoming Online Training Courses in Assessing Attachment

While the current pandemic has put an end to all training events for the foreseeable future, now could be a great time to focus on professional development with online training becoming the norm across training companies in the UK.


One of the UK’s best trained experts in attachment, Rebecca Carr-Hopkins of Independent Social Work Matters, has developed the following online training courses available to book now. Rebecca and her team have substantial experience of providing expert opinion to the family courts in respect of risk and parenting issues.



Adult Attachment Interview

Week 1: 26 April-1 May 2020
Week 2: 7-12 July 2020
Week 3: 28 September-3 October 2020

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Introductory Training Course in Video Interaction Guidance

Monday 4th-Thursday 7th May 2020 9-12.30pm

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Infant CARE-Index

Week 1: 1,2,3 June 2020
Week 2: 20,21,22 July 2020
Week 3: 2,3,4 September 2020

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Email info@iswmatters.co.uk for more information and to book a place.


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